Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Vaidyaratna Dr. Chndrasekhar G. Thakur: Vitiligo or ‘Shweta Kusta’ is most misunderstood as far as Ayurvedic scientific treaties are concerned. Popularly called ‘Safed Dagh’ or Leucoderma is never mentioned in Ayurveda as ‘Kusutha’ (Leprosy).
Far from it, in Ayurveda18 types of Maha Kushta (Leprosy) are mentioned. The panicky fear is due to word ‘Kodha’. In fact for white patches, which is pigmentary disfigurement, Ayurvedic is upveda or 5th veda. Branch of Atharva veda which dates back to 1500 B.C. or more. In Atharva veda swetha Kushta is referred. Later on Charak in general and Sushruta in special referred to this in detail and use of BAVCHI-Ens Purple Flenbane – or (Psoralea Corylifolia) is mentioned. The Bavchi is used externally as well as internally both. Col. Chopra and Dr. Basu used and have the opinion as fellows:
“So far as is known P. Corylifolia is the only drug which has a dduel action on both Roagets cell and the melanoblastic cell of the skin. In Leucoderma….M. Cell…. And their simulation by Bvachi oil leads them to from and exceed the pigment which gradually diffuse into the discoloured areas” –says Choprs. Where Dr. Basu says, “The oil of Bavchi changes white skin, gray hair, discoloured skin to normal colour within 3 months and that is well tried and prescribed.”
Dr. S.R. Wadia.


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