Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Treatment of vitiligo

The objective of treatment of vitiligo is satisfy the cosmetic needs of the patients and provide emotional security. In India where vitiligo carries a dire social stigma nearly all patients nearly all patients desperately wish to be treated . Among fair skinned caucasian’s, however treatment may be optional and simple reassurance may suffice.

Despite much detailed knowledge of biochemistry and physiology of melanin pigmentation, there is a lack of regularly effective, predictable and safe methods for controlling the degree of melanization of the skin.

Nevertheless, until the necessary further advances are made to achieve such control, many disorder of pigmentation can be managed at least with partial success by taking due precaution and carefully chosen therapeutic measures.

In the management of patchy hypomelanosis, the contrast between normal and deficient melanized areas like exposure to sun, to chronic irritation, to repeated trauma (as people with vitiligo diathesis have tendency to develop vitiligo even on slightest trauma ). Otherwise cosmetic problem of such hypomelanosis is best handled by cosmetic making agents, pancake make –ups or stains.

The management of vitiligo is not purely medicinal but conservative treatment is also a must along therapeutic measures.

The most important step in conservative treatment is PSYCHOTHERAPY, both of patients and his relatives

1) As already sated in preface the vitiligo patient loses confidence and start considering himself inferior to others. People around him also add to his misery by isolating him . This they do from sheer ignorance about the disease. Since ancient time this disease is being considered as leprotic in in nature . hence the belief that it is infectious and hereditary which generates fear in the minds of people and the patient. The patient . The patient remains so depressed that the dose not take the medicine properly ,dose not take proper precautions .thus to increase the general awareness of the people by making them Understand the non INFECTIIOUS and NON-HEREDITORY nature of the disease is an Important step towards management of the disease without which cure is impossible.

2) Patient should be strictly instructed not to take ANTIBIOTICS especially broad spectrum antibiotics during any intercurrent illness. Patient may feel that the antibiotics have helped him in remains the disease and provides hindrance in the path of action of our remedies.

3) As long as the cause is overlooked, no disease can be cured . likewise whenever the Etiological factor.


  1. Thank you for sharing important information it is very useful for people who are suffering from vitiligo skin disorder.

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